Monday, June 22, 2009

Father's Day 2009

Another busy week here at the Baker household. I kept myself busy by making Anna a tutu. It’s not bad for my first attempt. I did buy enough material to make her another if I become so inclined.

One day, after a morning spent at the library, we wandered downtown to the farmer’s market. Anna got a pint of blueberries. I think blueberries are her favorite fruit, hands down.

It was nice and had lunch at Tomato Head. MMmmm... Those sandwiches are amazing!

Saturday we took the girls to a beach near us. As hot as it was that day, it wasn’t very crowded and Anna had a blast. She kept pushing the limits and going out farther and farther. She would turn and say “I tip toe, I tip-toe!” with her little head bobbing in the water. Both Veronica and Anna were buried in the sand and several attempts were made to build a sandcastle, with little results. I think we will go back soon!

Father’s Day was spent leisurely at home. We were planning to go hiking but we figured the Smoky Mts would be waaay to crowded so we planned on Monday (rain pushed off those plans). Instead we made panco pecan crusted trout, mediterranean salad, mozzarella and tomato salad, and asparagus. Dinner was topped off with a cake from MagPies - mocha. Yummy!

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Friday, June 12, 2009

I've been busy on our website!

Normally I would post here as well but that is just too much work. I added about 4 new blogs, one being a short video. Click on the link to enjoy!

Leave a comment so we know you visited! ;-)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Travels of Smelly Cat and Anna

While in Asheville this past weekend (an unfortunate falling through of plans led to this weekend excursion), at the farmer's market, we picked up a delightful addition to our stuffed animal family. As such an addition, this new friend has been dubbed Smelly Cat (no, she doesn't smell) and loves to travel. Seeing her love in travel, we have decided to take her with us where ever and when ever we hit the road. Please stay tuned for more travels of Smelly Cat and Anna.

Smelly Cat is strapped in and ready for her travels.
We have learned that she is particular about car seat safety and will remind Anna (and us) to buckle up.

Showing off the beautiful Smoky Mountains. Smelly Cat loved the view and requested many pictures. I told her that we would only post one and this was her favorite.

Going on a hike with Anna. I can tell that Anna and Smelly Cat are going to be fantastic friends. Anna has made it clear (especially since she picked Smelly Cat out!) that she is quite fond of her and is on board for travels with Smelly Cat. In fact Anna wanted to call this post Travels of Smelly Cat, Anna, Momma, and Dad-tee.

Enjoying the sights on the way up to Clingman's Dome. Smelly Cat was in awe of the beauty of the views.

Taking a break after the hike. It was a steep climb after all!!

What is next up for Travels of Smelly Cat and Anna? We're not sure, but I do know that Anna wants to show Smelly Cat the sights, sounds, and smells of Knoxville...