Another busy week here at the Baker household. I kept myself busy by making Anna a tutu. It’s not bad for my first attempt. I did buy enough material to make her another if I become so inclined.
One day, after a morning spent at the library, we wandered downtown to the farmer’s market. Anna got a pint of blueberries. I think blueberries are her favorite fruit, hands down.
It was nice and had lunch at Tomato Head. MMmmm... Those sandwiches are amazing!
Saturday we took the girls to a beach near us. As hot as it was that day, it wasn’t very crowded and Anna had a blast. She kept pushing the limits and going out farther and farther. She would turn and say “I tip toe, I tip-toe!” with her little head bobbing in the water. Both Veronica and Anna were buried in the sand and several attempts were made to build a sandcastle, with little results. I think we will go back soon!