Thursday, July 30, 2009

Happy Birthday to Jon!

Jon celebrated his birthday yesterday. It started out very rainy as he packed up all three tents. Oh did I mention that we took 7 kids (including our own) camping the previous night? Yep, and it rained when we arrived at the campground, slowed a little as we set up tents, misted as the kids swam in the pool, stopped while I cooked dinner and created a roaring fire, and pored as we finished roasting marshmallows. But that was the day BEFORE his birthday.

For Jon's birthday, we took the kids back to the house (as it was pouring and we couldn't even cook breakfast at the campground). They played on the Wii while we made pancakes, hot cocoa, and put dry clothes on. Around noon the sun came out and teased us with the promise of warmth. We took the bait and packed everyone up to head down to the fountains. As we were driving the heavens opened up and poured rain on our vehicles. Not to be deterred, we continued on.

Once we arrived at the fountains, the rain had passed (the clouds continued) so the kids got a good 2 hours at the fountains. And at the park. It did sprinkle a bit while we were there but nothing to worry about. Finally it was time to take the kids home. I would say they had a blast, even while they were huddled in the car, waiting for the rain to pass. :)

It's Been a While

I feel like I haven't been blogging in a looong while. Yet when I look at the date of my last blog, I realized that it has only been a little over a month. Not bad. I guess it shows that we have been really busy lately!

We went to WI to visit with family. Always fun! Anna loved seeing the rest of her family. She got to visit w/ 2 Grandmas, 1 Nanny, 1 Nana, 3 Papas (It got to the point where Anna would ask "Which Papa?"), 2 Aunts, 1 Uncle, 1 Great-Aunt and 1 Great Uncle!!! *Whew* And she did a pretty good job keeping them all straight!
Anna and Papa Baker

While we were in WI, we were able to participate in an activity that Jon and I sorely missed - canoeing. (Background info) When Jon and I lived in WI, we owned our own canoe and traversed many rivers in WI. It was great! Jon got to search for mussels and I got to get lots of reading time in; all in a very peaceful, fun environment. Unfortunately some jerk stole our canoe when we moved to TN. Thus we had not been canoeing in quite some time.

The day was incredible. We were with family and friends and the river was peaceful. It was all going so well until the log came along. It looked like a harmless log and probably would have continued to be a peaceful log had I been paying close attention. The front of the canoe went over the log w/ no problem but at some point, the log hit our canoe at a very unfortunate angle, thus TIPPING the canoe and all it's contents. Yep, we all went over. All our things went under and floated away. One of the items that went under included my camera! I was taking pictures minutes before, had turned it off, swung it on my back, and was feeding Anna at the time of the tip.

After Jon and I got done yelling at each other (which was relatively quick), we quickly disassembled the camera. Out came the battery, the SD card, and off came the lens. During this time, Anna is distraught (not because she was dunked under water by the log but because her "La La" was floating down the river.). I hand the camera to my dad, who proceeded to gently shake the water out for the next hour or so, and ran to our friends who grab our floating gear to pacify Anna.

I was horrified and sick to my stomach. This is the camera that I saved about 1 1/2 yrs for. The camera that takes fantastic pictures with little trouble and opened my eyes to photography. I couldn't even talk about it.

We decided that the camera should be left in a sunny, dry location to dry out for about a week. Why a week? I have no idea, it seemed like a good number. I resisted all urges to turn it on. I tried not to even look at the camera for the entire week. It was agony!

Finally, Jon calls me (before the week was up) and tells me THE CAMERA WORKS!!! WOOO WHOOO!! There are a few little glitches, but I can still take great pictures!! Yeah!

Playing with friends at Market Square (downtown Knoxville)