Poor Emmett has had a busy week so far and we are not done yet. Tuesday evening I got home late from Parent Teacher conferences. After Emmett nursed, he proceeded to throw up all over me. We took his temp and it was 102.3. I called in sick and stayed home with him. I thought he was mostly over it Wed morning but as I was taking him to his room to change his diaper, he threw up all over me again. I took his temp and it was 102 again. I gave him some tylenol and his temp goes down but it is clear that he is not feeling well.
I had to leave to go for a haircut/color appointment because I had won a Fashionista Makeover . That was very exciting to be pampered and spoiled without having to pay. :D
During the appointment Jon texted me to tell me that Emmett's temp had reached 103.9. He calls the dr's office and the nurse hears Emmett breathing and tells Jon that he needs to bring Emmett in. Since it is about 7 pm that means the ER at Children's Hospital. I immediately leave, meet Jon and Anna at the ER. Jon takes Anna to our babysitter - Gill (wonderful, sweet, and we are so lucky to have her in our childrens' lives). I go with Emmett in the ER. We get in lickety-split and Emmett gets x-rays and breathing treatments.
Turns out, it looks like Emmett may have mild pneumonia in his left lung and they can't get his breathing to a normal speed so they admit us. We get a room around 1:30 am, Emmett gets an IV for fluids and antibiotics, oxygen because he has low oxygen saturation in his blood, and a probe to hook him up to the machine to check his oxygen and heart rate. At that time all his symptoms point to RSV but don't show up on the tests but he definitely has bronchiolitis.
And this is the latest update -
So we are still at the hospital. We will be here tonight and it looks likely that it may be tomorrow night as well. The problem is that his breathing won't come down and he has a lot of *stuff* that is making it hard for him to breath. He is still on oxygen - they have tried to take him off of it 2x but each time his levels keep dipping too low.
His official diagnosis is RSV. He is just running the normal course of the illness. This is supposed to be the worst day. His morning (early am - from 3 am - 7:30 am, we were awakened / upset about every 20 - 30 mins) was pure hell for him. He was given breathing treatments 3x, suctioned, then deep suctioned, plus more med, blood taken again, and then more x-rays to check as he isn't getting better as fast as we would like. He is also miserable because he can't suck his fingers (that is his iv hand). He did have a few happy moments this morning with smiles and was playing with a couple of toys but as soon as he sees scrubs = pure sadness.
He is resting right now. I think the exhaustion just over took him, the poor little guy.
Thanks for everyone's well wishes and thoughts! We really appreciate them. I will keep you updated on his progress.
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