Every year I underestimate how much work I need to allocate to create my photobook. It's my fault, really. I am such a type A (okay, I'm finally admitting to this behavior) that I can't just go with filling in the pictures anywhere. No, I have to have them in the correct order AND there has to be sentimental quotes/ saying / cute embellishments etc. Really what I want is a scrapbook but without the work of scrapbooking. Is that too much to ask for? I have found that Shutterfly is actually going more towards the digital scrapbook movement and has added all these awesome stickers, ribbons, sayings, backgrounds, layouts, idea layouts... Add a couple more hours to my creation time now :-)
This year, I really am cutting it to the wire getting my book done in time - especially when you consider that I have to mail 1 book to Arizona and another to Nevada. And of course I don't start until ... say about 8 pm?
I finally finish and I go to preview the book. Only, I can't figure out how to get out of the preview. So I press the back button. DON'T PRESS THE BACK BUTTON!!! Leave it sit, be patient, JUST WAIT A MOMENT because even though the website auto saves, it did not auto save before the preview and I lost about 2 hours worth of work!!!!!!
So I redo half the book and some how end up with 4 extra pages instead of 2 but I'm not going to try and figure it out. Nope, blaze ahead!!
Long story short - here is a link to my Christmas card and then photobook. Which, after all the work I put into it, I *think* is pretty good. By the way - the picture on the Christmas card was done by The Salty Peanut Photography http://www.thesaltypeanutphotography.com/ She was an awesome photographer to work with and we are very pleased with the results!!
Click here to view this photo book larger
Visit Shutterfly.com to create your own personalized photobook.
I LOVE it! :-)