Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My attempt ...

Those of you who know me well, know I am not creative. Nor crafty in any way. But I found this super cute Valentine card idea in Family Fun and decided - "Hey, I can do that!"

Well, about 1 (okay maybe 1 1/2) hours later I had created 22 Valentines. Anna supervised and assisted w/ her favorite part - the suckers.

End result? You be the judge!

Oh, and it didn't stop there. Oh no! We signed up to bring cookies to Anna's Valentine party at school. I was tempted to stop by the store and pick up a box or a bakery item and send that but Jon was convinced we should make our own. (Now when I say we, you knew he meant me, right?) Luckily, I used to bake and had a wonderful book full of bake sale-type cookies. I must admit, they do look yummy and fun!


  1. those are cute! and i love the artistic pics!

  2. Oooo love the cards, much better than store bought. And I am eating a virtual cookie now :)
