Sunday, December 25, 2011

Getting back in the groove

Of pictures!!

 It feels so good to pick up the camera, hear that click of the shutter, and then download the images. And as a natural consequence, as I use the camera more, the more proficient I get. One would think that I could remember that, but I don't. So I get discouraged. Frequently. Then I get bummed that my images aren't turning out as I want them to - so I stop shooting for a while. Sad, pathetic cycle. I am my own worst critic.

 But I dust myself off, pick my self up, (anyone else singing with me?), and I remember that Rome wasn't built in a day.

 The holiday season is presenting itself again with photographic opportunities abound and I am taking advantage of the this year! I will not be intimidated by other people with cameras snapping away. I will be more aggressive and creative in my angles and poses. Finally, I will not be afraid to take that picture because I fear it will not measure up to my standards. I will tell myself that not every picture is equal and that is okay - the important thing is that I am there, preserving the memories.

 This is our annual tree choosing outing. Thankfully, we are back to choosing our tree from the famous Lally Christmas Trees! So nice to back around family. :D

Papa Baker gets in on the fun!

A true princess never leaves home without her tierra.

Emmett says this tree is just his size!

Even Clovis gets in on the Christmas tree choosing.

A future tree.

Beautiful Heidi

This wasn't from the tree choosing outing but from a cookie/ candy bake and exchange (Thanks Ashley for letting us come!). Yum - icing on the cookie is the best part!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Annual Family Photo Book

My annual tradition has become to create a photo book and give it out as a gift for my parents and Jon's parents. I think it is a wonderful idea, combining something I love - photography, along with something everyone loves - my kids. :D (Everyone loves kids - they're cute, cuddly, and in photos don't annoy anyone!)

Every year I underestimate how much work I need to allocate to create my photobook. It's my fault, really. I am such a type A (okay, I'm finally admitting to this behavior) that I can't just go with filling in the pictures anywhere. No, I have to have them in the correct order AND there has to be sentimental quotes/ saying / cute embellishments etc. Really what I want is a scrapbook but without the work of scrapbooking. Is that too much to ask for? I have found that Shutterfly is actually going more towards the digital scrapbook movement and has added all these awesome stickers, ribbons, sayings, backgrounds, layouts, idea layouts... Add a couple more hours to my creation time now :-)

This year, I really am cutting it to the wire getting my book done in time - especially when you consider that I have to mail 1 book to Arizona and another to Nevada. And of course I don't start until ... say about 8 pm?

I finally finish and I go to preview the book. Only, I can't figure out how to get out of the preview. So I press the back button. DON'T PRESS THE BACK BUTTON!!! Leave it sit, be patient, JUST WAIT A MOMENT because even though the website auto saves, it did not auto save before the preview and I lost about 2 hours worth of work!!!!!!

So I redo half the book and some how end up with 4 extra pages instead of 2 but I'm not going to try and figure it out. Nope, blaze ahead!!

Long story short - here is a link to my Christmas card and then photobook. Which, after all the work I put into it, I *think* is pretty good. By the way - the picture on the Christmas card was done by The Salty Peanut Photography She was an awesome photographer to work with and we are very pleased with the results!!

Photo Card
View the entire collection of cards.

Click here to view this photo book larger

Visit to create your own personalized photobook.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Well, we are moved in, settled down and back to life.

And life is busier than ever!! Jon has been creating his classes, coming up with lessons, creating tests, attending meetings, and basically having a blast being a college professor. I have been creating classes, coming up with lessons, creating assessments, attending meetings, and basically having a blast teaching 5th grade. LOL I bet you never thought of your college professors living similar lives to your elementary teachers, did you?

Anna has been busy attending 2 schools. She attends a Montessori preschool chartered by La Crosse School District in the am and then attends the UW-L Child Care Center in the afternoons. It is extremely convenient for Jon as he can pop in and have lunch with Anna once in a while because the child care center is the building next to his! Anna loves both her schools and on Mondays she goes to dance class.

Emmett has the privilege of going to a dear friend of ours home day care - Jenny Wright. We were so lucky to find that Jenny had an opening. Her son is only 1 month older than Emmett and so cute together. Not to mention Jenny is so wonderful with him!! And I get to reconnect with a friend - great combination if you ask me!

Anna gets her hands dirty carving pumpkins.

Of course, Anna HAD to be a princess at the last minute. I'm so glad I didn't put a lot of effort into the ADORABLE lady bug costume she originally decided on.  Emmett tolerated being a vampire. 

Testing our our winter accessories. These days, getting shots of Emmett, are... well... challenging.

Someone is a mama's boy.

Trying on some of mama's shoes

How are we liking La Crosse? Loving it! Of course, it hasn't really snowed yet (we had one day but it was gone within a day) so ask me in about a month...

Friday, July 29, 2011

Being a teacher

Being a teacher means I don't just have 2 children - I have a whole classroom full of them. Being a teacher means that I never stop thinking about them. Everywhere I go, something reminds me of someone. I rehash what I taught after every lesson. Shoot, I replay everything virtually the minute it comes out of my mouth. As I drive home or to school, I am constantly thinking about what can I do to drive my students, to raise their comprehension, to deepen their understanding, and to keep them excited about learning.

Being a teacher means that I work really long hours. Just because my contract says that I am here from 7:40 - 3:30 doesn't mean that is when I start and stop. I get there early to set up lessons. I stay late to grade papers, to create lessons, to create power points to keep my students engaged, to cut out materials, to prep stations, to make copies, to call parents, to help students who may need help after school or just a safe place to hang for an hour or two, to attend professional learning communities, to help out the PTO, to meet with colleagues, etc., and to finally eat my lunch.

And those summers that everyone complains about teachers getting? I preview the curriculum. I read up on professional books that will make my teaching better the next year. I am constantly searching for "things" for my classroom. When you are a teacher, you never really turn off your "teacher" button in your head, it will pop up here and there. For instance, I was on craigslist last night and came across a chair. My first thought, "Hey! That would be awesome for a reading area in my classroom." Or at a yard sale I am constantly on the search for books that can be in my classroom library. I found a set of 9 styrofoam balls at a yard sale and I was so excited that I had found the nine planets, just waiting to be painted.  Oh, Let's not forget the professional development that every teacher is required to maintain. In TN we had to complete 18 hours every year of unscheduled (meaning off of contract time) inservice. Here in WI, you have to complete 6 credits in 5 years to renew your license. Most teachers do this in their "off" time AKA summers.

Sure, I play with my kids. I catch up with my husband. We visit family and friends. I read fiction books like they are going out of style. We go for bike rides in the mornings and hit the pool. I'm not a martyr  nor do I want to be made out to be one. I enjoy my time off just as much as the next person. But I truly feel that I earn every second of it.

I LOVE being a teacher. Honestly, in high school, this was the last job I thought I would be doing. But here I am, happy as a clam. I have the best job in the world. I love my students, I love teaching, I love coming up with that lesson that brings the "aha" moment. I wouldn't trade this for anything.

Being a teacher, however, DOES NOT  mean I want to discuss politics with you. Yes, I have an opinion. No, I do not want to debate it with you. Since I have moved to WI that is all people want to do.

"Oh, you teach?"
"Yes, I do."
"Oh, where do you teach?"
"I teach 5th grade at _____"
"So... if you don't mind me asking, what do you think of the Walker situation?"
"Um... I just moved here... but.... uh..."

Actually, I do mind. I'm just too nice to be rude and shut you down right away. Nope, I'll discuss curriculum, student's achievement, research on teaching methods (Yes, we teachers actually use research based techniques!), how much schooling I invested to become a teacher, or even the weather, but I do not want to discuss politics with people I just met. Don't assume I do.

Let's just say, I have my opinions, you have yours.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Leaving Tn for WI

Leaving our friends was very hard to do. :'(

But new adventures are in store for us! Packing the truck was so much work! In the end we actually needed yet another truck!! The drive was LONG as it always is but we left Friday night and stayed in a hotel and then we made it to Wonewoc (home of the in-laws and our hometown) by Saturday night. We finally arrived in La Crosse, WI by Sunday morning. After much unpacking we have settled in our new home. Stay tuned for pics of the new duplex, located next to a fire station (it's not really that loud!).

Having lived in La Crosse as college students eight years ago, we are now learning about the city as parents. A completely different experience, I assure you!

We have found oodles of parks to play

Wore ourselves completely out

Enjoyed the Wisconsin bounties

Reacquainted ourselves with the local fauna 

Found a play set and sandbox on craigslist

Attended a fair

Wore ourselves out (again) with summer school and WI fun

And finally had lots of fun just being us!

And while we are finding that it was completely worth moving for jobs and family, we still miss our friends in TN.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Pictures of Feb. 2011

Emmett's first haircut

Emmett at the hospital

Emmett coming home from the hospital. Look at that flirt!

And one of Anna happy to have Mom and Emmett home!