Saturday, March 21, 2009

Bumper Stickers??

While at Disney World, coming back from a busy day at one of the parks, we found this on our car.

Now what gives this person the right to leave a comment about my bumper stickers? I suppose that person felt the need to use their 1st amendment right to counter my right to free speech but REALLY? Was it truly necessary? Especially considering the fact that I was obviously on vacation, visiting a family - oriented location? Why do others feel that they need to comment in such an aggressive way?


Obviously this person was trying to provoke me. Were my stickers sooo offensive? I didn’t think so. I deliberately tried to choose stickers that would provoke thoughts but not get people upset. I try not to upset others. I prefer to be that quiet voice in the background - softly giving my opinions - but not forcing them on others. Here is a closer look at the offensive stickers.


Now the second one is the one the person found so distasteful that they had to comment. Honestly, I don’t listen to any talk shows. I prefer to make my own opinions and do not allow such obvious people as Rush Limbaugh’s opinions influence me. In truth, when I choose this particular sticker, my thoughts weren’t of conservatives but to all people who believe that their views are the only right ones.


Of course, this incident has only strengthened my desire to have more bumper stickers. My gut reaction is to find the most offensive, liberal (because obviously this person is a right-wing, Rush Limbaugh - lovin’ fool) bumper sticker. Instead I think I will search out my next sticker... Any suggestions? ;-) 



  1. Geez, Louise, was ma there when this happened, I would have liked to have heard her. I wonder what listening to Rush Limbaugh has to do with being open minded??? Maybe it was your "think local, drink yocal" sticker they were offended by :)

  2. Hmmmm, you weren't visiting my town were you?? **insert eye roll here**

